Tuesday 19 March 2013

Very odd that Jesus was meant to be renown yet the crowd that went to arrest Jesus in Matt26v47-49 needed Judas to identify Jesus with a kiss. What ? Didn't Jesus have a halo round his head ? Not one of the crowd could have identified even Jesus let alone the other disciples? How did they know that Judas hadn't double crossed them and kissed the wrong man- easy done in the dark I'd guess? So in fact one of disciples was crucified ?- Life of Brian. Problem solved. Jesus caught up them 3 days ltr

Hypothesis: While Jesus went off alone up hill, other disciples were in Mt of Olive so Judas leads crowd & on meeting the disciples forgets the arrangement & kisses his gay friend out of habit. The crowd seize the man. All the disciples are like, " You've got wrong man, he's innocent " but crowd aren't listening. Before Pilate disciple is struck dumb with fear. On cross he is like, " You don't know what u do ".Judas heart broken commits suicide. Jesus turns up 3 days later: " What's up guys ?",  " Timmy  has been crucified in your place ", " "wow that was generous of him i'm really touched "
" But don't you see they were really after you, you'd better make yourself scarce, if you don't want to end up dead "
" Oh ok, got you, see you later folks"

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